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Welcome To Our New website!
St Day and Carharrack Primary School

Governing Body

Governing Body

Andrew McFarland

Chair of Governors


Ms Alexandra Stainer

Clerk to the Governors


School governors have three main roles:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the education performance of the school, pupils and performance management of the staff;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school.

The governors work closely with the head teacher and staff to ensure that the school is the best that it can possibly be. Governors are volunteers who work under the principles of public life; selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability openness, honesty and leadership. They endeavour to uphold all of these values in all that they do.    Each governor holds a monitoring area of responsibility within the school. Governors conduct monitoring visits on particular aspects of the School Improvement Plan linked to their area of responsibility.   Governor monitoring is linked to the following areas:

Whistleblowing, Pupil Premium, History and Geography: Andrew McFarland

SEND, EYFS: Ann Butcher

Sports Premium/PE, Maths: Mark Leah

Safeguarding, Computing, MFL: Peter Carpenter

Attendance, Health & Safety, Science: Catherine Gajardo

Art and music: Phil Marshall

Redruth Learning Group representatives: Susannah Storey and Peter Carpenter

English and drama, RE: TBC

Behaviour/Wellbeing, PSHE/RSE – TBC

  The full governing body meets each term.  There is one sub committee which also meet on a termly basis.     Governors who sit on the Resources Committee are:

  • Andrew McFarland
  • Peter Carpenter
  • Mark Leah
  • Catherine Gajardo
  • Susannah Storey (Head)

There are six different categories of governors at our school. Some governors are elected, such as staff and parent governors, whilst others are appointed by the governing body, the Redruth Learning Group or the Local Authority.  You can see the categories and the governors appointed to each in the table below.

Parent governors
Parents, including carers, of pupils are eligible to stand for election as governors. Parent governors are elected by other parents at the school. If insufficient parents stand for election, the governing body may appoint parents.

Staff governors
The headteacher is a staff governor by virtue of their office. Other staff, both teaching and support, may become governors as long as they are paid (volunteers do not qualify). Staff governors are elected by the school staff. Any election that is contested must be held by ballot.

Local Authority governors
LAs are encouraged to appoint high-calibre governors to schools that need the most support and to appoint candidates irrespective of any political affiliation or preference. Authorities may appoint minor authority representatives, e.g. district and parish councillors, as authority governors.

Foundation governors
Foundation governors are appointed by the school's founding body, church or other organisation named in the school's instrument of government. For our school this is Redruth Learning Group, a Trust which the school is part of. They must also ensure compliance with the trust deed.   Co-opted governors These governors are appointed by the governing body.  Co-opted governors are often members of the local community or businesses who hold particular skills which are of benefit to the governing body.     Ex-Officio governors The Headteacher is appointed as a governor, by virtue of the position they hold.    The Governing Body may also appoint Associate Members of the Governing Body.  These members are not governors, and therefore do not have voting rights, but are appointed to contribute specifically on particular issues relating to their area of expertise.  The Governing Body have appointed the Deputy Headteacher, Laura Vallance as an Associate Member. Â