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Welcome To Our New website!
St Day and Carharrack Primary School

Year 6 Home Learning - How you can support learning at home

 In year 6 we love reading! It is essential to the success of the whole curriculum and is a daily focus in class. The children will be supported in a variety of ways in reading and be taught strategies to infer and deduce from a text as well as being able to discuss more complex themes, characters and plots.
The children will have a class text read to them daily as well as daily opportunity for individual reading. The children will have a book that may be chosen by the adults in class but will always have the opportunity to choose their own reading for pleasure book.
Reading at home is vital as it helps gain confidence and stamina for reading - skills that are essential for progress across the curriculum
We use Spelling Shed to practise our spellings and support with learning spelling patterns, The children will be given new spellings on a Monday and will be practising, and being taught strategies daily ready for a test on Friday. The spellings can be tricky, so little and often is the best way to learn them at home. Spelling games and making it fun are the most effective way to learn spellings.
We will focus on place value and the accurate use of the four operations for the first few weeks of term as well as ensuring our multiplication facts are secure. Maths is best taught in context and we will use as many real life practical situations as possible to ensure the children are clear on new concepts and can remember methods and strategies to use. Maths is an exciting topic and the magic of numbers is fun and engaging for the children - we will have fun with maths to help us remember key concepts and facts.
We will use Times Tables Rock Stars to support multiplication facts. It is vital that all multiplication facts are secure so please help with learning these at home.