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Welcome To Our New website!
St Day and Carharrack Primary School

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)


What is Spelling Shed?

Spelling Shed is a simple, fun web-game that is playable through any internet browser on phones, tablets or computers. Pupils will be assigned a spelling rule that they have been focussing on in class to learn as weekly spellings.

To ensure your child is given a level of challenge appropriate to them, they can choose from four levels of difficulty. The game is also designed to be dyslexic-friendly.

• Easy – The word is shown, an audio clip is played and only the included letters are shown.

• Medium – An audio clip is played and only the included letters are shown.

• Hard – An audio clip is played and the included letters, plus some random letters are shown.

• Extreme – An audio clip is played and a full qwerty keyboard is shown. Letters must be correctly accented and capitalised.

All users have an avatar that can be personalised by using honeypots. Honeypots are earned by spelling words correctly.

Teachers will use Spelling Shed resources in school to teach and practise spellings.

How to get the most out of Spelling Shed

Regular spelling practise helps children to build their vocabulary and feel more confident with their writing, allowing them to write more freely and imaginatively.   With your help and encouragement, your child can understand the importance of practising their spellings.  Ideally, pupils should spend a short time every day practising their spellings or accessing the games and activities available on the Spelling Shed.  In addition to weekly set spellings, the more they use the program to revise previously learnt spelling patterns, the more confident they will feel in continuing to use these words in their every day writing.