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St Day and Carharrack Primary School

Year 2 Home Learning - How you can support learning at home

Year 2 Home Learning Expectations



In year 2 we begin to become independent readers! 

Reading is essential to the success of the whole curriculum and is a daily focus in class. We use VIPERS questioning to deepen our understanding of texts and leaflets have been sent home (or are downloadable below) to allow this method of questioning to be used at home as well.

The children will have a rich variety of texts read to them as well as daily opportunities for individual reading. The children will have a school reading book (this may be chosen by the adults in class) alongside a 'reading for pleasure' book. This helps to ensure they are regularly reading books that adhere to age related expectations.

Reading at home is vital as it helps gain confidence and stamina for reading - skills that are essential for progress across the curriculum.




We use Spelling Shed to practise our spellings and support with learning spelling patterns, The children will be given new spellings on a Monday and will be practising, and being taught strategies, daily ready for a test on Friday.

The spellings can be tricky - little and often is the best way to learn them at home. Weekly spellings will be assigned on Spelling Shed where the children will find fun activities linking to the weekly word list.




During Autumn Term we will focus on place value, addition & subtraction and shape as well as ensuring our multiplication knowledge continues to grow. Daily use of Times Table Rockstars is the most valuable thing children can do at home to boost their maths success.

Maths - Home Learning Links
Spellings  - Home Learning Links
Spelling Strategies
Reading - Home Learning Links